Ingredients for 6 serves
10 eggs, separate yolks & whites
200 g sugar
100 g potato flour
150 g plain white flour
Put the egg yolks in a bowl and add the sugar whisking until they form a frothy cream.
Then add the flour, a little at a time.
Whip the egg whites to stiff peaks and fold in gently to the mixture.
Depending on the requirements of the recipe, make either one high cake layer or several lower ones. If you make one you
can always cut it into layers when it is cool. Butter the required number of baking dishes with removable rings.
Divide the batter as required and bake in a pre-heated oven at 180° C - 350° F - 4G for half an hour or until it rises
and forms a brown surface.
Remove from the oven and cool.